XY Health Care

XY Health Care.

This 1st paper provides the basis for analysis and understanding the organization, analyzing the organization within its marketplace introduces the organizational problem, challenge or opportunity that will be your focus .

ALL papers should have the following: (1) Writing should be clear and concise. (2) Cite all references in the text. (3) Include complete list of references at the end of the paper. (4) Cite all references in standard American Psychological Association format. (5) DO NOT include identifying names of the organization or persons.

Organization Structure 15 points

  • Introduce the agency/organization, type (public, not for profit, etc), and its Mission
  • Governance
  • Revenue Streams
  • Size (# employees, annual budget, etc)
  • Structure (# departments, part of larger org., off-site centers, etc)
  • Population served (typed, #s, salient issues)
  • Stakeholders (all internal & external who have a direct interest in the organization)


Logic Model- Presented in narrative format. Diagram place in appendix 30 points

  • Identify Inputs
  • Identify Activities
  • Identify Outputs
  • Identify Outcomes
  • Identify Impact


Social Problem, Challenge or Opportunity 30 Points

  • Identify the organizational problem, challenge or opportunity – PROBLEM STATEMENT
  • Etiology of the problem, challenge or opportunity
  • History of the problem, challenge or opportunity
  • Past Attempts to solve the problem, challenge or address the opportunity
  • Literature review related to the specific problem, challenge or opportunity


Required Appendices 15 Points

  • Organizational Chart – Can NOT be hand drawn
  • Logic Model – Problem/Challenge Box Completed



Assigment 2

This 2nd paper identifies the solution & planning for the organizational change. It includes the solution description and review of the literature in which it is based; and a vision statement. The SWOT and force field analysis will be employed as a tool for analyzing the organization in relationship to the change. The force field analysis will include information re: driving and restraining forces that may impact the change initiative.



SWOT Analysis

  • Integrated discussion of the SWOT Analysis primary emergent themes you will focus on
  • Strengths of the organization – chart: see appendices section below
  • Weaknesses of the organization – chart; see appendices section below
  • Threats to the organization – chart: see appendices below
  • Opportunities for the organization – chart: see appendices below


Solution & Vision for Change

  • Describe key elements of proposed change (based on literature review, organizational records/data, etc)
  • Discuss theoretical/model basis of proposed change (based on literature review)
  • Vision statement (Essential elements after the change – what will the difference look like?)


Systems, Roles, and Allies or Adversaries Analysts Chart (see appendices below)

  • Identify individuals and their organizational roles and if they are allies or adversaries
  • Identify sponsor, agent, target and if they are allies or adversaries


ID Force Field Analysis Chart (see appendices below)

  • Identify Internal Driving Force
  • Identify Environmental Driving Force
  • Identify Internal Restraining Force
  • Identify Environmental Restraining Force


ID Target Benefits and Losses Chart (see appendices below)

  • Identify Benefits to target and if allies or adversaries
  • Identify losses to target and if allies or adversaries


Integrated Discussion of Force Field Analysis and Benefits and Losses to Target 20 Points

  • Integrated Discussion includes Internal & Environmental Driving Forces; Internal &
  • Environmental Restraining Forces, and Benefits & Losses to target


Required Appendices


  • SWOT Analysis Chart
  • Logic Model – 1) Problem/Challenge AND 2) Solution & Planning Boxes Completed







The written assignment gives you the opportunity to describe a challenge or opportunity in your field placement (or a human service organization you know well) and strategize for organizational change.

The 3 written assignments are parts of whole – each paper will include the paper that preceded it. This paper should include your revision of the 1st and 2nd papers. You are required to revise the preceding paper according to the instructor recommendations before adding it to the current paper.

This 3rd and final paper focuses on the implementation plan for the change, including strategies arising from your force field analysis; and the evaluation plan for ensuring the change is sustained.

Revisions from 1st and 2nd Papers

  • Organizational Structure; SWOT Analysis; Problem, Challenge or Opportunity SWOT Chart (in text)
  • change Description and Vision for Change
  • Force Field Analysis Chart; Key Individuals & Roles Chart, Benefits & Losses Chart (in text)
  • Integrated Discussion of Force Field Analysis


Implementation Strategy – INTGRATED DISCUSSION

Detailed integrated discussion of change effort ant the strategy for increasing the driving forces and diminishing the restraining forces include all roles, benefits , losses etc

  • Description of plan for enhancing driving forces
  • Description of plan for influencing and containing resistant forces
  • Incorporation of benefits and losses to target group/others in strategy
  • Engaging allies in strategy
  • Engaging or minimizing adversaries in strategy
  • Utilizing sponsor and agent (or others) in strategy
  • Detailed, integrated discussion of change effort and the strategy employed for increasing the driving forces and diminishing the restraining forces; including all roles, benefits, losses, etc.


Evaluation Plan

  • Outcome objectives have a specific timeline, target population, realistic products/results are measurable, statements are clear and concise
  • Plan for continuous assessment of change (CQI, stabilization)


Required Appendices

  • Updated charts if needed from previous reviews of paper
  • Logic Model – 1) Problem/Challenge; 2) Solution & Planning; 3) Implementation and 4) Evaluation Boxes Completed

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