A letter to my son who was diagnosed with schizophrenia you are always hovering in the background of my thoughts as Custom Essay

A letter to my son who was diagnosed with schizophrenia you are always hovering in the background of my thoughts as Custom Essay

A letter to my son who was diagnosed with schizophrenia you are always hovering in the background of my thoughts as I wake in the morning and go to sleep at night, but I’m writing this now as I realise that your 21st birthday is coming up and I don’t know what I’m going to do on that day. Since that awful moment we found you dead nearly 18 months ago, I have realised I had been grieving for the handsome, happy and exuberant boy that I lost to mental illness for much longer. I know you’ll agree that your teenage years were hard on us all, most especially you, but you never recognised the devastating extent of the heartache you caused me. On that day the worst happened, I was able to stop worrying about what would happen to you, and among the terrible pain and sadness there was also relief. After all, it could have been much worse, and had been many times in my imagination. Once, you said that if I chose to worry it was my problem, not yours. Your selfishness greatly frustrated me. You didn’t often realise anything was wrong with your life, but it was hard to be close to you and watch the rapid deterioration in your personality, and intellect, and the complete lack of purpose and ambition left within you. You were diagnosed with disorganised schizophrenia, which manifested in your inability to function in daily life, and your inability to stay focused on anything. It was really scary the day you forgot how to form the letter “R”. You also had classic symptoms of both absent and inappropriate emotional expression which caused you trouble in public at times. When you were arrested for shoplifting, you couldn’t stop smirking and giggling, even though you explained that you didn’t think it was funny. You became convinced that random people wanted to hurt you, and turned into a social recluse; the reality was that you were quite a forbidding figure whom others would cross the street to avoid. Occasionally you would voice suicidal thoughts. Most distressingly, what was most important to you was where your next drink was coming from. You stopped taking care of yourself and washing or brushing your teeth. All that stopped you from becoming homeless when you were thrown out of the residential psychiatric ward for excessive drinking was that I arranged a flat for you. I feared that you would soon be asked to leave that too. My aspirations for you dwindled until my only aim was that you were reasonably content and did no harm. You were so big (whatever they say, your massive weight increase was caused by the anti-psychotic medication you depended on) and difficult to love unconditionally near the end, that I failed to realise – or wouldn’t admit – just how vulnerable you were. So the main reason I wanted to write was to say sorry. I did the best I could with you and for you at the time, but it wasn’t good enough and I ultimately failed to protect you and keep you safe. I wish I could go back in time and do things differently. The mother is a single parent to a 20 year old boy. She is concern about her son depression, the son is an alcoholic who hears voices so he started carrying knife. The boy was diagnosed with schizophrenia and die. The mother blames herself and says she didn’t help her son enough and she was very guilt. The mother write a letter to an organisation about helping others who might be in her son‘s position. Questions • What is your understanding in this outline of the scenario or your own views about the experience of the boy? • What are the mainly concerns of the mother for writing this letter? • If this boy was in you care as a healthcare worker, what would you have done to help him?

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