Analysis and Intervention of Learning Problem

Analysis and Intervention of Learning Problem

Analysis and Intervention of Learning Problem

Paper instructions:
Authoritarian Leader, Ann, twenty nine years old, is the head of a nursing unit of a major rural hospital in which many errors have been identified during the last eight months. Some of the errors were not reported directly to Ann, who is in charge of filling the weekly incident forms, but they were identified through rumors. Ann is a sufficient skilled, knowledgeable, and an experience worker. She knows the technical aspects of her profession. Confused about the problem of this case, a psychologist of the Human Resources Department interviewed some of the nurses working with Ann, assuring them complete secrecy, and private confidentiality. Some of the comments of the conversations were like this:

-“I am uncomfortable about reporting accidents or mistakes because she may give a bad evaluation on me”

– “Knowing that mistakes happen and are very serious because the drugs are toxic, even though in this department, communication in this department is a secret. No one talks about this openly”

– “Looking around from day to day the environment is

– “The environment is intolerant, heads will roll”

– “You get lectured,”

– “The nurse manager treats you all the time as guilty if you make a mistake, even if you do not”

– “She treats you like a four-year-old like you never knew any better”

-“”She acts like she wants complete control of you even when she is not even there”

-“She just does not even listen to what I am trying to say”

-“I always ask for a view or a different way to do my job and to make it easier and she does not help me in the way I am asking. Sometimes it is nice to have constant feedback, but I am not getting it”

The psychologist has to write a report about how to deal with this case; taking into consideration that Ann is an asset to the Hospital due to her knowledge and experience.

For many reasons, Authoritarian leadership is

“A leadership style in  which the leader dictates policies  and procedures, decides what goals are to  be achieved, and directs and controls all activities without any meaningful participation by the subordinates”. It is not to maturation and physical problems or other things. Being authoritarian des involve learning and memory. It is characterized by absolute or blind obedience to authority, as against individual freedom and related to the expectation of unquestioning obedience.

There are communication problems, poor listener, like one way conversations, does not offer feedback.

With this information from  Module 2, you selected a learning problem and identified it as a behavioral situation that needed to be changed for the benefit of the individual or individuals involved in it. Based on this study of learning and memory through the course, you will provide an Intervention Strategy to solve this problem or at least reduce its negative effects on the individual(s). You will write a short paper with the following specifications:
•Academic style: American Psychological Association (APA).
•Format: research report, between six and eight pages double-spaced plus a title page, including references (single-spaced).
•Use Times 12 or Arial 12 font.
•Margins: 1″ Top and Bottom; 1.2″ Left and Right
•Headings: Capitals and Centered. Subheadings: Left-aligned and bold. Normal text: left aligned.
•In-text citations: APA Style, e.g. (Anderson and Miller, 2004, p.18)
•Reference list: APA style, check what is required for electronic references.
•Images: use only if absolutely necessary and follow the same rules as the previous assignment.

Structure of the Report

At least the following parts are required, you may add others if necessary:
1.Title page: Title of report, centered, no longer than 7 words. Next line: your name an title(s). Next line: Institutional affiliation: by default is Empire State College
2.Description of Problem: Here you will transcribe the problem that was presented in Module 1; take on account the instructor’s recommendations to make changes to your original. Do not copy the instructor’s recommendations.
3.Behavioral Objectives: Describe the desired status of behavior; after the intervention strategy has been applied. Enumerate your objectives in the approximate order that they will be achieved; objectives must be about explicit behavior and measurable.
4.Intervention Strategy: What would you do to eliminate or remediate the problem? In no more than three sentences, describe the intervention strategy, indicating the type of intervention according to the following categories: educational, training, counseling, psychotherapy, coaching, or other (specify). Include references to the ethical issues that you have to take into consideration.
5.Analysis of Learning and Memory Principles: Using a table as exemplified below, identify conditions of learner, intervention activities, relevant learning principles, expected results, and verification method. Notice that this table is just an example; your table may be completely different.

Title of Learning Problem: Nurses Attitude to Mental Patients (This is just an example, yours will be different.) Table is single-spaced.

Conditions of Learner
Intervention Activities
Learning & Memory Principles
Expected Results
Verification Method

– Adults, 18-46
– Female 70%, Male 30%
– Field dependent and independent styles
– Educational level: Associate Degree
– Professional experience: new to 3 years.
Workshop about attitudes to the mental patient:
– Cases contributed by participants
– Inventory of interaction problems
– Show video with narrative sequence
– Role playing: patient/nurse. What are your perceptions?
– Debriefing: What have I learned?
– Concept learning
– Problem solving
– Modeling
– Vicarious reinforcement
– Collaborative learning
– Clarification of attributions
– Increased comprehension
– Increased empathy
– Know when to require doctor’s assistance
– Ability to generate solutions
– Change of attitude to patients
– Record of incidents in psychiatric ward
– Reasons for calling doctor’s assistance
– Attitude scale applied 1 month l

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