Comparing Patient satisfaction survey results on care provision in the national health service hospitals to private or community care satisfaction outomes from patients (service users).

Comparing Patient satisfaction survey results on care provision in the national health service hospitals to private or community care satisfaction outomes from patients (service users).

Project description
A critical review of the literature relating to the adult field of nursing.
Suggested assignment structure
Introduction (approx 400 words) State the aim of the assignment Give an overview of the subject chosen Explain how the assignment developed Outline the themes that emerged Explain your summary and contribution to your field of nursing Should be written retrospectively
Main Body (approx 3350 words)
Back ground. (approx 300 words)
Provide some background information to your literature review that offers a rationale for your choice.(positive and negatives of surveys) explain the specific intention of your review and the focus of the subject that you wish to explore. There may be slight replication here from the introduction but you explain your intentions in more detail.
Search strategy. (approx 250 words)
A search strategy is an organised investigation for material relevant to your topic across a range of sources (Williamson & Whittaker, 2014). Your explanation of the strategy may include The types and nature of literature searched The use of search engines The use of operators i.e. Boolean Search parameters such as dates Limitations Retrieval rates Critical appraisal tool used Emerging themes to be consider in the review
Review of the literature. (approx 2300 words)
This is the main part of the assignment. Here you discuss the literature you have chosen. The presentation of the information can be delivered in several ways however many students find it easier to write under themes; these are often the areas that appear more commonly in the literature but you may wish to consider other areas of interest. In your critical analysis you may wish to Compare and contrast views of the authors Identify any weakness or limitations to the literature Offer your interpretation of the evidence
Summary of findings. (approx 500 words)
In this section you are expected to draw together the finding from the themes or discourse. This section also considers your findings in relation to your field of nursing. The two aspects should therefore converge into a discussion on how the knowledge can contribute to nursing.
Conclusion (appox 250 words)
The conclusion draws the assessment to a close. It identifies the assignment achievements and how it met the assignment outcomes. Do not introduce new evidence, literature or ideas here.
Referencing (not in word count)
You should follow the College policy on using APA referencing. Links to the guidelines are on Blackboard. As this assignment is based upon literature your attention to detail in referencing both in the main body and list are crucial.

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