Ecological of an Hispanic Adult Custom Essay

Ecological of an Hispanic Adult Custom Essay

You will write an 8-page paper (excluding title and references pages). Your paper should be double-spaced and written in APA style and format. You will interview and assess a Hispanic Adult who is developmentally defined as 30 – 65 years old. The purpose of this assignment is to: • Sharpen your assessment, observational, and interviewing skills. • Integrate and apply relevant theories that will help you understand the person you interview. • Use the frameworks discussed throughout this course: developmental, neurophysiological, ecological, systems, cultural, and transactional. • Interview the individual for at least an hour. Treat this as an open-ended interview allowing the interviewee to tell their story. As necessary, interject and ask questions to gain a fuller understanding based on the requirements of the paper. Process You may find it useful to write out your questions prior to the interview. The following questions may be helpful in preparing for the interview and organizing your material afterwards: The questionnaire is a part of the assignment. This should be on a separate sheet . Please note that these questions are neither sufficient to assess a specific identity, such as ethnicity, nor to assess the multiple cultural identities of the individual. Remember that open-ended questions will be more beneficial than questions asking for a very brief or specific response. You may also find it helpful to obtain permission to talk to the interviewer later if you find that you forgot to gather information that would help you to fully meet the criteria for this paper. IMPORTANT: To ensure your interviewee’s confidentiality, make sure that there is no identifying information in your notes or in your final paper. Please listed answers to each question underneath each question. Interview questions and answers must be typed and submitted with final paper. Interview Questionnaire 1. How does this person make meaning of her or his life? How does this person convey a sense of self? 2. What are the multiple identities this person has developed and how have these identities affected daily life? 3. How does this person balance activities and intimacy now as compared to balancing them during other times in life? 4. How is this person coping with the tasks of aging? 5. How has this person been affected or how is this person being affected by strengths or weaknesses in physical health? 6. How does this person currently relate to formal and informal support systems? How has this person done so throughout life? 7. As this person speaks of the present and past, are strengths identified? 8. Do you hear examples and/or themes of resilience? 9. Also consider how to gather information about multiple cultural identities and various contextual systems to which they belong. Examples of prompts and questions you may pose to assess their ecological niche include: • Tell me something about the community in which you live. • What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of living here? • Tell me about your work. • Do you find that your work affects your private life? If so, how? • What are the meaningful groups and/or organizations to which you belong? • Who are the people you most like to be around? 10. The purpose of these questions is two folds. • First, you need to identify the various contexts in their lives that are influential to them. • Second, you need to identify how the various contexts are influential and how the individual is affected by these contexts. Some examples are listed below. • What does your heritage mean to you? • What are important family stories that help you understand the cultural roots of your • ancestors? • What does being male or female mean to you? How has it affected who you are? • Have you ever experienced discrimination due to any part of your identity? How did • these events affect you? • Was and/or is your family a source of support when experiencing discrimination? • What strategies have you used to resist stereotypes or to respond to acts of • discrimination? Outline After interviewing and collecting the information, please follow guidelines listed below to write the paper. • Briefly introduce the interviewee, how you came to interview this individual, and the environment and/or context in which the interview occurred. (1 point) • Describe the ecological, systems, and cultural contexts in which the person lives (e.g. class, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) expounding on the strengths and resilience drawn from the person’s culture. Include any oppression that has been or is currently being experienced by the person. Apply appropriate theories to the understanding of the individual’s context and how their contexts have affected them. Support your analysis with appropriate examples from the interview (4 points). • Describe and analyze development across the following domains: explore important information about the interviewee including multiple identities, background, current circumstances, important family members, and other relationships; discuss strengths and struggles; and examine developmental tasks the individual is negotiating. The purpose of this introductory section is to develop a good sense of who this person is. Apply appropriate theories (4 points). • Make sure that you learn about your interviewee’s background including early years, youth, adolescence, and young adulthood. You will need this information to consider whether (and if so, how) early development seems to predict later functioning and what major life themes seem to be present. • Describe and analyze in a culturally sensitive manner the physical, cognitive, moral, social (family, intimates, and peers), emotional/affective, and spiritual domains of the person by applying age-appropriate theories (4 points). • Identify the multiple systems that surround or are embedded within the interviewee and their community. Examples include work, school, organizations, churches, federal or state systems (child welfare or social security), and many others. • Identify other systems in which the interviewee may be embedded and how they relate to their different cultural identities, such as race- and/or ethnic-specific groups to which they belong or LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, or questioning) groups. Each of these various systems may represent risk factors, protective factors, stressors, and/or resources. • Apply theories to help develop a better understanding of these systems and their effects on the individual. Support your analysis with appropriate examples from the interview (2 points). • Describe the pertinent societal context within which the interviewee resides. In other words, what larger society norms, values, and systems have affected who this person is or with whom the person has interacted? These might include political systems, norms, and values regarding specific stereotypes, entitlement programs, other types of financial support the person or family may or may not have received from the government, or anything else that affects the person that can best be explained at the societal level (4 points). • Include a brief summary of the individual and systematic factors that have shaped the interviewee’s life, the challenges or “issues” the interviewee currently faces, and how you think the interviewee will navigate the current challenges(s) (3 points). • At the end of this more formal analysis, write a paragraph or two commenting on your own experience completing this assignment and the way or degree to which the interview confirmed and/or challenged your prior assumptions about aging (1 point). • Critically reflect on how your own cultural lens affected your observation, interview, and analysis (2 points). • Demonstrate critical thinking skills. A minimum of six peer-reviewed journal articles must be integrated into the paper. Use APA properly (5 points). References–.The references below are Mandatory!! Please use the one textbook reading listed below and all articles below. Also use one journal article of your choice. Readings and Resources Text reading (book) to use • Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Zastrow, C. (2013, Ninth Edition). Understanding human behavior and the social environment. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. •Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Zastrow, C. (2013, Ninth Edition). Understanding human behavior and the social environment. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Chapters 10, 11, & 12, pp.441-576. Journal Articles to use • Coan, J. A. (2010). Adult attachment and the brain. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 27(2), 210-217. • Dennis, J., Basañez, T., & Farahmand, A. (2010). Intergenerational conflicts among Latinos in early adulthood: Separating values conflicts with parents from acculturation conflicts. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 32, 118-135. • Torres, L. (2009). Latino definitions of success: A cultural model of intercultural competence. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 31, 576-593. • Mead, H. K., Beauchaine, T. P., & Shannon, K. E. (2010). Neurobiological adaptations to violence across development. Development and Psychopathology, 22, 1-22. • Villalobos, G., & Padilla, Y. C. (2007). Cultural responses to health among Mexican American women and their families. Family & Community Health, Supplement 1 to 30 (IS), S24-S33.

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