Free The Big Five Theory Course Work Sample

The big five traits have a remarkable universality aspect. Studies focusing on people across different cultures indicate that these dimensions are accurately applicable in describing personality. With this research, psychologists believe that the character dimensions share universality and have biological origins (Ashcraft, 2011). It is proposed that the evolutionary explanation for core personality characteristics suggests that the personality characteristics are representative of the important qualities shaping the social landscape.

Behavior involves interaction between the underlying character of a person and the situational variables. Situations that people find them in have a major role in the way they react. In most cases, individuals avail responses, which are consistent with certain underlying characteristics of the character. The dimensions show broad character areas. Research demonstrates that the characteristics’ groupings occur collectively in most people. For instance, individuals with high levels of sociability appear talkative (Deaux & Snyder, 2012). On the other hand, the traits are not occurring together. It is vital to note that this theory is used in many psychological research areas in a manner that does not have dependence on specific propositions for diverse theories. For example, in researching on interpersonal perception, Big Five theory is a useful model in organizing perceptions of people on other people’s personalities. I argue that Big Five theory is best placed as a reality-based model for person perception.

Critics hold that there are plenty of limitations in scoping for Big Five while there are predictive or explanatory theories. It means that the Big Five is not in full explanation of the basic human character (Horowitz & Strack, 2010). The applied methodology in identifying the appropriate dimensional structure for factor analysis and personality traits is usually challenged for lack of the universally recognized approach to choosing between solutions covered with different part numbers.


Ashcraft, D. (2011) Personality Theories Workbook. New York: Cengage Learning
Deaux, K., Snyder, M. (2012) The Oxford Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press
Horowitz, L. M., Strack, S., (2010) Handbook of Interpersonal Psychology: Theory, Research, Assessment, and Therapeutic Interventions. New York: John Wiley & Sons

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