Good Article About Stem Cells

‘The Debate Over Stem-Cell Face-Lift’ is an article published in New Yolk Times and is written by Sally Wadyka. The article dwells more on the new face lift technology which involves injection of fats and stem cell on the wrinkled parts of the face (Wadyka 2013). This restores the youthful facial appearance of an aged person. The controversy arises from the debate on the issue where several researchers and scientist discredit the authenticity of this technology. This technology is based on biological composition of human skin and existence of non-differentiated body cells referred to as stem cells which are induced to develop into various body tissues. The adverse comments about the technology by doctors and scientists heighten the controversy whether it is safe and useful.

The major issues are whether this technology is a breakthrough or just a professionally thought means of turning the desperate aging rich men and women into milk cows. Lack of clinical data to support the use of aesthetic stem cell technology deprecates its efficacy and safety (Wadyka 2013). However, the writer who is personally interested in matters of health and physical fitness decides to use Eva Campbell-Morales as a living witness of the benefits of the stem-cell face lift.

This shows that the writer is in full support of the technology oblivious of the scientific and biological facts against it.
The Republican Party has shown a general support to research in the line of stem cells although the party is hesitant in use of federal funds to expand this research. The democrats on the other hand supports federal funding of the stem-cells research as they believe they have a moral responsibility to ensure the research provides cure for the incurable diseases. I also support this effort by the democrats since although there may lack enough data to support its efficacy and safety, this may be developed once the project advances to solve various biological and health problems.


Wadyka, S. (2013). New York Time: The Debate Over Stem-Cell Face-Lift. Retrieved on October 28, 2013 from

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