Health Care Technology

Health Care Technology:

Also, search the Internet for more information about ethics and information technology in health care, such as might be found at the Web site, Introduction: Ethics of Information Technology in Health Care. Consider the following: Today in the U.S. almost every newborn is tested for phenylketonuria (PKU,) a genetic disorder that prevents the body from processing a protein found in almost all food, causing severe mental retardation, as well as a number of other genetic diseases, including cystic fibrosis. Promising new DNA-based technology now exists that will soon make it possible to test for hundreds of potentially disease-causing genetic mutations. Many of the diseases these mutations cause have neither cures nor treatments. 1. What is the most ethical way to use these tests? Why? 2. Identify 1 technological advance of the last 20 years that has had good effect, and 1 technological advance of the last 20 years that has led to bad results. What ethical concerns were raised by these 2 technological advances? Note: Do not write introduction & conclusion. You can research on the Internet or books/journals & you can add additional references. Introduction: Ethics of Information Technology in Health Care link:

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