HLSC120: Society

HLSC120: Society

Assessment 2: Reflective Writing Assignment Description: Students will learn to reflect on sociological topics related to society, culture and health and apply the Sociological Imagination Template to their chosen topic. Using the Reflective Learning and Writing Proforma on LEO and using reflective language, respond to one of the two topics provided on LEO for the reflective assessment task. Use the proforma steps as headings and write in paragraphs below the headings. Ensure that you use all the factors from the SI template in completing this reflective writing task. It is not necessary to use all four factors in every step of the proforma. All sources should be referenced using APA style. Due date: Week 6, Friday 15th April 2016 at 11.59pm Weighting: 40% Length and/or format: 1,750 words Purpose: To enable students to learn to reflect on sociological topics related to health and culture and to develop and implement the Sociological Imagination Template to their chosen question. Learning outcomes assessed: 1 & 2 How to submit: Submit Via LEO Assessment Block – Turnitin Return of assignment: Returned via Turnitin on a post date to be advised Assessment criteria: This task will be assessed using the Reflective Writing Rubric Reflection topic: Select one topic only 1. Reflect on the adverse environmental impacts of the rapid development of electronic communication and technology as one of the globalising processes affecting population health in Australia. Within your reflection discuss why health professional teams can ensure environmental sustainability to improve health equity. Reflect using the sociological imagination template as a guide. 2. Reflect on how you would compare and contrast your own definitions of health and illness with the definitions of health and illness you would provide for a group of low socio-economic status people living with a chronic illness and or disability.

HLSC120: Society, Culture and Health; Semester 1 2016

Assessment 2: Reflective Learning & Writing Proforma

Weighting of unit = 40%   Word limit 1750 words

Due Date: 12 midnight, 15th April, 2016


Use this proforma to organise your response to the reflective assessment task. Use the steps as headings and write in paragraphs below the headings; this is not an essay task.  All your sources should be referenced using APA style. Ensure that you use all the factors from the SI template in completing this reflective writing task. You do not need to use all four factors in every Step of this proforma.

Step 1

Carefully choose one topic from the Reflective Learning and Writing Assessment section of the unit outline to guide your reflection. Write the topic here:


Step 2

Using the Gibbs Reflective Model (1998) and the ACU academic skills reflective writing resource, reflect upon and analyse your knowledge, experiences and observations in relation to your chosen question from Step 1. (250 words)

Step 3 

Next, identify and cite one of the readings, articles or videos from the eModules and discuss how this resource helps you to expand and deepen your original reflections on this topic. (250 words)


Step 4 

Using the sociological imagination template, answer the original question you identified in Step 1, using Germov (2014) and a minimum of four other academic sources (e.g. journal articles, research reports) to support your answer. Locate these academic sources through your own information search. (1000 words)


Step 5

Finally, choose one of the Graduate Attributes (at the front of the Unit Outline) that is most relevant and explain how answering this eModule question has helped you to develop this Graduate Attribute. Reflect and analyse on your thoughts and feelings on the original question in the light of your research. (250 words)








Reference – Gibbs (1998) http://www.crowe-associates.co.uk/coaching-and-mentoring-skills/gibbs-reflective-cycle/

Prepared!by!the!ACU!Academic!Skills!Unit for!HLSC120 Last!update/review:!20/2/12 1 Reflective)Writing)Examples Example 1:)Extract)taken)from)a)published)journal)article Day,!A.!L.!(2001).!The!journal!as!a!guide!for!the!healing!journey.!Holistic(Nursing(Care,(36(1),! 131L141. I!was!reconnected!to!the!journal!process!during!my! masters!program in!1988,!when!I!took!a!class!in! journaling!that!introduced!me!to!the!infinite! possibilities!that!the!journal!provided!for!selfL understanding!and!healing.!I!became!passionate! about!the!journal!and!what!it!can!provide!in!depth! and!clarity!of!issues!on!all!levels!including!physical,! mental,!emotional,!and!spiritual.!As!a!holistic!nurse,! I!knew!that!selfLassessment!on!these!four!levels!was! the!key!to!recognising!where!a!patient!needed!to!go! for!balance!and!healing.!The!journal!became!an! intimate!friend!and!a!tool!that!I!used!successfully!in! working!with!others!who!came!to!me!for! treatments!in!healing!touch,!wellness!counselling,! and!massage.!These!past!12!years!of!using!and! teaching!this!tool!have!continued!to!affirm!how! powerful!the!multitude!of!journal!techniques!can!be! for!facilitating!healing!and!wellness.!It!is!with!great! joy!that!I!share!some!of!the!experiences!I!have! witnessed!in!journaling!the!healing!journey.! Some)Writing)Features:) • Gives)a)specific)time)and)experience: “1988”,!“masters!program”,!“took!a!class” • Writes)in)the)first)person: “I”,!“me”! • Explains)the)specific)focus: “infinite!possibilities!that!the!journal!provided!…” • Gives)reasons: “what!it!can!provide!in!depth!and!clarity!of!issues …” • Identifies)emotional)/)feeling)responses:!!“I!was!passionate” • Identifies)cognitive)/)thinking)responses: “I!knew” • Relates)to)the)profession)or)discipline: “As!a!holistic!nurse” • Uses)the)language)of)the)area)of)study: “selfLassessment”,!“healing!touch”,!balance! and!healing”,!“facilitating”! • Discusses)the)topic: “the!key!to!recognising!where!a!patient!”,!“a!tool!that!I!used!…” • Makes)an)evaluation: “!These!past!12!years!…!have!continued!to!affirm!how! powerful!…!can!be!!…”! • Use)past)tense)for)past)events: “have!continued”,!“became”,!“needed” • Uses)present)tense)to)discuss)in)general: “is”,!“I!share”! • Suggests possibility: “can!be”,!“can!provide” Structure: This!introduction!is!based!on!the! writer’s!own!personal!experience: • Identifies!the!experience!in!time! and!place!(What?) • Gives!the!main!focus!idea!or! theme!(What?) • Makes!the!response!personal!by! establishing!the!writer’s!voice:! feelings!and!thoughts!(Who?) • Discusses!the!response:!(Why?! and!How?) • Gives!evaluation!(So!what?) • As!an!introduction,!previews! what!is!to!come!in!the!next! paragraphs!(Now!what?) *Note: Students!need!to!follow!their! Unit’s!Marking!Guide!instructions!for!!! referencing!ideas!for!assessment! tasks. Prepared!by!the!ACU!Academic!Skills!Unit for!HLSC120 Last!update/review:!20/2/12 2 Example 2:)Part)of)a)Nursing)student’s summary)of)a)reflection)on)a)role)play Before!I!conducted!the!miniLmental!assessment,!I! assumed!it!was!going!to!be!an!easy!task; asking!a! few!questions,!getting!the!answers!and!leaving.! Thus,!I!was!surprised!to!realise!that!I!needed!to!get! to!know!the!patient,!gain!some!trust and!still! manage!my!time!well;!otherwise,!I!would!not!get! the!information!I!needed!to!complete!an!effective patient!assessment.!… I!have!learnt!to!actually! listen!to!the!patient and!not!rush!through,!as! important!issues!or!concerns!could!be!missed!(Day! &!Levitt!Jones,!2008).!Also,!my!communication!skills! in!responding!to!the!patient’s!answers!need!to!be! expanded!and!improved,!as!that!is!going!to!be!a! large!part!of!my!nursing!career!(O’Toole,!2008).!My! emphasis!should!have!been!on!the!patient’s!well! being!and!feelings,!not!just!on!my!own!agenda. On! placement!in!October,!I!will!be!able!to!put!this! knowledge!from!the!role!play!into!practice.!I!need! to!be!a!confident!student!nurse!and!not!feel!so! awkward;!thus,!patients!will!respond!in!a!far!more! positive!way!towards!me.!I!also!need!to!remember! to!gain!permission!before!addressing!the!patient!by! their!first!name!(Estes,!2010)!and!introduce!myself! as!a!student!nurse!from!ACU. Some)Writing)Features: • Identifies)specific)times)and)experience: “miniLmental!assessment”,!“placement!in! October” • Uses)first)person: “I”,!“my” • Gives)an)affective)response: “I!was!surprised” • Gives)thinking)/)cognitive)response: “I!assumed”,!“to!realise” • Identifies)the)focus)of)learning: “I!have!learnt!to” • Uses)past)tense)for)past)events: “conducted” • Uses)present)tense)for)general)discussion: “I!need!to!remember” • Uses)future)tense)for)applying)knowledge)in)other)situations: “patients!will! respond!to” • Discusses)the)response:)“as!important!issues!could”,!“I!would!not!get” • Identifies)weaknesses)and)makes)evaluation: “My!emphasis!should!have!been!on” • Identifies)new)insight)or)understanding: “not!just!on!my!own!agenda”,!be!a! confident!student!nurse”,!“not!feel!so!awkward” • Shows)evidence)of)reading: paraphrases!from!Day!and!Levitt!Jones,!2008;!O’Toole,! 2008;!and!Estes,!2010 • Gives)reasons)for)comments: “Otherwise”,!“thus”,!“as”! • Suggests)possibility: “I!will!be!able!to”,!“could!be” Structure: Follows the!requirements!for! the!particular!assessment!task: • Identifies!the!personal! experience!(What?) • Makes!the!response!personal! by!establishing!the!writer’s! voice:!initial!thoughts!and! feelings!(Who?!What?) • Identifies!the!focus/theme • Discusses!the!response,! strengths and!weaknesses:! (Why?!How?) • Gives!evaluation!(So!what?) • Gives!implications!for!the! future!(Now!what?) Prepared!by!the!ACU!Academic!Skills!Unit for!HLSC120 Last!update/review:!20/2/12 3 Example 3:)Part)of)a)Midwifery)student’s)reflective)summary from)her journal O’Brien!(2008)!asks!us!as!nurses/midwives!if!we!can “serve!as!loving!witnesses!to!heal!a!wounded! world”!(p.!46).!Suffering!is!a!mystery!for!me.!I agree! with!Burkhardt!and!NagaiLJacobson!(2009)!that!it! occurs!on!physical,!mental,!emotional!and!spiritual! levels.!I!experience!suffering!as!significant!personal! growth!that!is!…! I!don’t!go!looking!for!it,!but!it!does! come!knocking!just!by!the!fact!of!being!a!mother,! friend,!student!and!belonging!to!a!wider!human! family!(Wright!&!SayreLAdams,!2000).!Burkhardt! and!NagaiLJacobson!(2009)!highlight!that!in!our!own! understanding!of!suffering!and!responses!to!the! same,!the!nurse/!midwife!is!in!a!better!position to! “discern!whether!honouring!another’s!suffering! requires!action,!presence,!absence!or!a! combination!of!these”!(p.!624). In!my!clinical! placement,!in!one!week!there!were!three!stillbirths! attended!by!midwives.!!There was!an!occasion! where!I!physically!came!upon!one!of!the!women!in! the!corridor!and!later!outside!the!building.!In!the! corridor!our!eyes!met!and!I!nodded!…!it!just! seemed!right.!Downstairs!on!my!way!home,!I! stopped!and!just!said,!“I!have!no!words!for!your! loss”.!The!Indian!mother!nodded.!There!are!very! specific!rituals!for!a!Hindu!couple!to!attend!to!in! death.!The!midwife!and!bereavement!team! attended!to!the!couple!with!a!combination!of! presence,!absence!and!action. Structure: Follows!the!requirements!for!the! particular!assessment!task: • Identifies!a!focus/theme! from!the!readings!(What?) • Gives!a!personal!response!by! establishing!the!writer’s!voice:!! thoughts!and!feelings!(Who?) • Discusses!response!to!the! literature!(How?!Why?) • Identifies!the!personal! experience?!(What?) • Describes!the!experience!in! terms!of!the!focus!and! learning!from!the!reading • Gives!an!evaluation:!this! shows!the!student’s!insight! from!the!literature!and!the! experience!(So!what?) Some)Writing)Features: • Identifies)specific)experience: “clinical!placement”,!“an!occasion” • Uses)first)person: “I”,!“my” • Gives)an)affective)response: “I!experience” • Gives)thinking)/)cognitive)response: “I!agree!with”,!“our!understanding” • Identifies)the)focus: “suffering”,!“action,!presence,!action” • Uses)past)tense)for)past)events: “came!upon”,!“nodded” • Uses)present)tense)for)general)discussion: “does!come!knocking”,!“have” • Discusses)the)response:)“the!midwife!is!in!a!better!position!to”,!“as!significant” • Makes)evaluation,)shows)insight)into)the)experience: “it just!seemed!right”,! “attended!to!the!couple!with” • Discusses)the)scholarly)literature: Burkhardt!and!NagaiLJacobson,!2009;!O’Brien,! 2008;!Wright!and!SayreLAdams,!2000 • Gives)reasons)for)comments: “just!by!the!fact!of”,!“as”!! Prepared!by!the!ACU!Academic!Skills!Unit for!HLSC120 Last!update/review:!20/2/12 4 Example 4:)Short)reflective)responses)from)a)Midwifery)student’s)journal) Response)1: I!agree!with!Vaughan’s!(n.d.)!words!that!only!I!can choose!to!change!myself;!however,!it!is!often!not! enough! … Response)2: I!can!be!a!mirror!to!others!to!help!them!in!healing! but!I!think!clients!find!the!solutions!within! themselves!which are!best!for!their!situation.!I! certainly!think!that!my!encounters!with!individuals! create,!opportunity,!give!empathy!and!can!aid!a! process;!however, the!hard!work!is!to!the!client’s! credit.!It!means!that!the!client!has!the!responsibility! of!coLoperation!and!participation!in!the!treatment! plan.!For!me,!I!do!realise!that!if!I!attend!to!my!own! healing!path, this!will!enable!me!to!be!more! compassionate!and!not!be!reactive!to!triggers!of! past!events. Response)3: Growing!up!it!was!important!for!people!to!like!me!…! this!caused!me!so!much!hurt!and!inability!to!be!the! best!person!I!can!be.!Since!then,!the!onion!has!been! pulling!back!the!layers.!It!was!only!this!year!reading! different!spirituality!texts, like!Wright!and!SayreL Adams!(2000)!and!Barnum!(2003), when! surprisingly!the!issue!reLsurfaced,!that!I!decided! that!people!didn’t!have!to!like!me,!they!didn’t!even! have!to!talk!to!me!…!It!was!so!freeing!and!I!don’t! know!why!it!was!that!day!among!years!of!days!that! that!breakthrough!came. General)Structure: Follows!the!task!instructions! for!short!responses!to! readings: • The!first!sentence! specifically!answers!the! task!question!(What?) • Gives!reasons!for!the! response (Why?) • Gives!a!personal!response! by!establishing!the!writer’s! voice:!by!thoughts!and! feelings!(Who?!What?) • Discusses!the!response!in! terms!of!own!learning!and! the!scholarly!literature (How?) • Shows!personal!insight!or! makes!evaluation!(So! what?)! Some)Writing)Features: • Identifies)times)and)experience: “growing!up”,!“in!healing”,!“only!this!year” • Uses)first)person: “I”,!“my”,!“me”,!For!me” • Gives)an)affective)response: “It!was!so!freeing”,!“it!is!often!not!enough!” • Gives)thinking)/)cognitive)response: “I!decided”,!“think”,!“I!agree” • Identifies)the)focus,)student)response)to)the)idea/theme: “change!myself”,! “mirror!to!others!to!help!them”,!“important!for!people!to!like!me” • Uses)past)tense)for)past)events: “has!been!pulling”,!“was” • Uses)present)tense)for general)discussion: “has”,!“is” • Discusses)the)response:)“if!I!attend!to”,!“however”,!“It!means!that”,!“caused!me” • Makes)evaluation,)shows)insight)into)the)experience: “the!breakthrough!came”,! “this!will!enable!me”,!“I!don’t!know!why”,!“are!best” • Shows)evidence)of)reading:!!!Wright!and!SayreLAdams!(2000)and!Barnum!(2003) • Uses)language)of)certainty,)doubt)and)possibility:))“can!choose”, “can!aid”,! “certainly”,!“can!be”,!“if”!

1 HLSC 120 2015 eModule 2 HLSC 120: Society, Culture and Health eLearning Lecture Enhancement eModule – 2015 eModule 2 – Week 2 Introduction Welcome to the second of six eLearning Lecture Enhancement Modules for this unit. As explained in your first eModule, the purpose of these eModules is to extend the content of your weekly two hour lecture, to create knowledge links for you to the Seminar Questions that you and other students will be planning to present in your Student Seminars, and to help you enrich your learning as you develop your reflective learning and writing skills. In this eModule, you will be able to explore further: social changes from world globalizing processes, health care and globalizing processes, and finally, globalizing processes and cultural diversity in Australia. Learning Outcomes and Graduate Attributes The Learning Outcomes (with numbering from your Unit Outline) that will be addressed in this eModule are as follows – 1. explain changes in contemporary Australian society, culture and health related to world globalising processes; 2. discuss the impact of societal changes and an increasing cultural diversity in Australia on the provision of health care; 3. contrast how health and illness are constructed within diverse cultures and biomedical constructions of health and illness in Australia; 5. differentiate the health issues of vulnerable people in marginalised social groups in Australia; 7. apply the principles of cultural sensitivity and cultural safety when working with others who are culturally different; 8. reflect critically on your learning about cultural diversity in relation to health care. The Graduate Attributes that will be addressed in this eModule are as follows – • GA1: demonstrate respect for the dignity of each individual and for human diversity; • GA2: recognise responsibility to the common good, the environment and society; • GA4: think critically and reflectively; • GA7: work both autonomously and collaboratively. 2 HLSC 120 2015 eModule 2 Social Changes from Globalizing Processes Your first activity in this eModule will be a reflective activity that is related directly to the PowerPoint slides of Lecture 2 and Chapter 2 in your text book by Germov (2014). You will also find some good ideas related to the lecture content when you look at the following excerpt – Exploration Films. (2008, June 28). What is postmodernism? Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL8MhYq9owo&feature=related Reflective Activity 2.1 Using the major features of postmodernity that was discussed in your lecture and in the YouTube excerpt, please reflect upon the following questions. You can write your responses in your Reflective Record – 1. A blurring of boundaries What are your personal responses to the blurring of boundaries that occurs with • Blurred genders – e.g., gender re-assignment surgery, cross-dressing • Blurring between race and culture – intermarriage, multiculturalism • Blurring between professional roles – “turf wars” between health professionals • Blurred gender-specific roles – e.g., house husbands, corporate women, and female engineers? • What are the problems/issues that the above can lead to for individuals and for society itself? 2. A breaking down of structures What are your personal responses to the breaking down of structures in society? • Increased marriage/relationship breakdowns • Society structures – e.g., government entities, judiciary, police exposed of corruption, etc., • Churches exposed for child abuse, etc. • Role of media in exposés of politicians’ rorts, infighting, etc., to public. • What are the problems/issues that the above can lead to for individuals and for society itself? 3. A generalised lack of trust in designated order and expertise What are your personal responses to the following? • Lack of confidence and trust by the public in recognised “experts” (e.g., doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, politicians, teachers, etc.) • Loss of confidence by the public in society’s institutions (e.g., church, legal system, system of government) • What problems/issues can this loss of confidence and trust by the public lead to for members of the public as well as to society itself? 3 HLSC 120 2015 eModule 2 4. Difficulties in preserving identity and focus on surface and image What are your personal responses to the ways people have of preserving/changing identity and the surface nature of society – • People expressing their individuality, autonomy and freedom of choice through images they portray – intense exercise, health foods, junk foods, high fashion, sub-cultures; • Focus on surfaces and images – body tattoos/body piercing/shaving/painting etc. • Advertising industry promotes images that feed consumer culture – ultra thin models, high fashion, expensive cars, homes and holidays, etc. • Search for the novel, the aesthetic, the beautiful, and a desire to look like those who are icons in society – sporting stars, movie stars, etc. • What problems/issues can the above lead to for members of the public as well as to society itself? 5. A move from a labour economy to a market economy What are your responses to the move from an industrial economy to a consumerist economy -? • Global society now focuses on selling/buying in the global marketplace rather than on industry and jobs • People will go into debt to play/live in the global marketplace – e.g., “max out” credit cards; • People can buy/select anything off the global supermarket shelf – a hedonistic society seeking health, well-being, beauty, image-change, lifestyle; • People in developing countries used as cheap labour to increase profits of global corporations who focus solely on profits for shareholders; • Poor work conditions and poor health for exploited people around the world; • Effects of global marketplace – people who live beyond their means: denial, anxiety, depression, hypertension, gastric ulcers from worry about paying off credit cards, etc., loneliness, sense of exclusion from a wealthier society – affects sense of identity, self-esteem. • What problems/issues can the above lead to for members of the public as well as to society itself? 6. All pervading anxiety and fear of the void What are your responses to the following –? • Awareness that modernity and promise of science/scientific achievement to solve all human problems has actually caused more problems – e.g., environmental issues such as oil spills, global warming, threat of nuclear war, weapons of mass destruction, chronic illness, high crime levels, etc. • Talk of “end times” related to Mayan calendar, various prophetic predictions – people anxious, fearful – effects on health. • Use of various technologies (e.g., computer games, overeating) to numb mind/fill in time so no need to think of global problems and possible outcomes; • Loss of sense of identity and community – no community “in place” as in the past; search for virtual/imagined communities, social networking • What problems/issues can the above lead to for members of the public as well as to society itself? 4 HLSC 120 2015 eModule 2 Health Care and Globalizing Processes It is now time for your first reading for eModule 2 Reading 2.1 Cockerham, G.B., & Cockerham, W.C. (2010). Globalization: Health benefits and risks. In Health and globalization (pp. 24-41). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. When you have completed the above reading, there is a related Reflective Activity for you to do. Pleases complete it by writing in your Reflective Record – Reflective Activity 2.2 Please reflect upon the following questions from the above reading. You will find it helpful if you also bring your knowledge from the DVD by John Pilger (shown in class in weeks 1 or 2) into your reflections – 1. How similar or different is the Eastern notion of balance in the human body to the Western medical science beliefs about the nature of the human body? 2. How did Weber explain the differences between the formal rationality of Western society and the substantive rationality of Asian society? 3. What are some of the issues that could arise for an Asian person with the values and beliefs associated with substantive rationality when they work in a section of the Australian health care system that espouses the formal rationality of Western society? What are some of the issues when a patient/family with the values and beliefs associated with substantive rationality are cared for in a section of the Australian health care system that espouses the formal rationality of Western society? 5. What are some implications for people with reduced/limited/impaired rationality/cognition – for example, people with dementia, mental health problems, and brain injuries – when they live within or are cared for within an Australian society/health care system that values rationality, logic, structure, order, and practicality? 5. What influence did Rene Descartes’ philosophy of rationalism have on the development of Western medicine? 6. How did developments in France and Germany in the mid to late 1800s influence the development of Western medicine? 7. How did the globalizing processes of colonisation influence the health of people in the colonized nations? 8. How have globalizing processes influenced the development of Western scientific medicine throughout the world? 5 HLSC 120 2015 eModul

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