IBM Challenge: How to Serve a Diverse Mix of Demanding

IBM Challenge: How to Serve a Diverse Mix of Demanding

IBM Challenge: How to Serve a Diverse Mix of Demanding

Order Description
2-3 paragraph overview of your major findings, conclusions and recommendations. My major is Business Administration
•Content, Writing
o APA formatting; your essay should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5” x 11”) with 1” margins on all sides. You should use a clear font that is highly readable. APA recommends using 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
o Minimum length (for a C grade) is 3 typed pages
o References at end, not included in the 3 pages
o References must be APA compliant
please follow the instrucation
There will two filled I will upload.
First document, with exercise from the book
second document has what should be in the case study
To get the information from the book because he asked for (Identify a minimum of 5 concepts (by title and page number) in text and apply, discuss how and why the concepts apply to your solution. BE SPECIFIC, no generalizations.)

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Use this website it has the electronic book copy:
Customer Relations in Business Markets
Case Study IBM on page 91.
• Executive Summary
o 2-3 paragraph overview of your major findings, conclusions and recommendations
• Content, Writing
o APA formatting; your essay should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5” x 11”) with 1” margins on all sides. You should use a clear font that is highly readable. APA recommends using 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
o Minimum length (for a C grade) is 3 typed pages
o References at end, not included in the 3 pages
o References must be APA compliant
• Analysis of Industry/Competition (
o Begin with an overview of the industry. Provide statistics (sales, revenue, and growth rates, (past 5-10 years)) and historical data about the nature of the industry and growth potential for your business based on economic factors and other conditions. This section should not be longer than eight lines. Be sure to include an Industrial Concentration Ratio and identify the market as pure competition, pure monopoly, monopolist competitor, oligopoly or duopoly and why.
o List the major competitors in your industry with a brief summary of their operations and similar products or services. This section can be broken down into sections, with three to four lines per business.
• Strength, Weakness, Threats, Opportunity Analysis (SWOT)
o Based upon your Analysis of Industry/Competition construct a SWOT Analysis
o For your SWOT Analysis visit and read:
? and download SWOT Forms at:
o Be sure to include SWOT form and a brief (3-4 sentence) narrative of form
• Application of concepts in text as a foundation for your solution to case study
o Identify a minimum of 5 concepts (by title and page number) in text and apply, discuss how and why the concepts apply to your solution. BE SPECIFIC, no generalizations.
(*HINT: Here is a summary of key concepts in the chapter, you can select any 5 within any section)
Chapter three introduces students to the critical importance of developing customer relationship management strategies in the business market. The ability to create and sustain successful working relationships with customers and alliance partners provides a significant competitive advantage to business marketers.
Section One focuses on the importance of relationship marketing to business marketers. A relationship continuum is introduced that identifies different types of relationships that can exist between buyers and sellers. The importance of trust and relationship commitment to strong relationships is reviewed and strategies appropriate for each type of relationship are identified
Section Two discusses the management of buyer-seller relationships. Strategies that are appropriate for transactional and collaborative exchanges are discussed. Managers are encouraged to manage each relationship individually and develop strategies for each customer based on the relationship type.
The third section examines the importance of measuring customer profitability and understanding the drivers of profitability. A comparison of high-cost-to-serve and low-cost-to-serve customers is provided, along with strategy implications of customer profitability.
Section Four reviews the cross-functional process of customer relationship management (CRM). The importance of developing responsive and profitable customer strategies before developing CRM programs is discussed. Developing profitable customer strategies depend on acquiring the right customers, creating the right value proposition, instituting the best processes, motivating employees, and learning to retain customers.
The final section of the chapter focuses on relationship marketing success, and the key drivers of that process. This section discusses relationship marketing programs and the financial impact of RM programs.
• Utilizing your Analysis of Industry/Competition, SWOT Analysis, and Applications of concepts develop
o A future strategic plan to ensure the company strives towards a dominate position in their industry segment. If they are the dominate provider, what must they do to maintain and expand.
• Power Point Presentation
o Assume your presenting to Executive Board of Directors of your company
o A minimum of 5 and maximum 7 slides, not including 1 slide for references and sources and 1 slide for title. .
A. Chapter Overview
IBM Challenge: How to Serve a Diverse Mix of Demanding
IBM ’s offerings cover a wide spectrum of the technology industry, including hard-
ware, software, and services. The company faces a different set of rivals in each sec-
tor, but maintains a leadership position in most areas through a combination of
investments in R&D, worldwide distribution, and a respected brand. 6 1
IBM serves a diverse set of customers in the business market and devotes special
attention to the Global 1 000 —the 1 000 largest enterprises in the world. Across these
organizations, however, different perspectives and approaches are used in making
information technology (IT) purchases. This diversity across customer groups pre-
sents a host of challenges for IBM.
• Customer Group A demands a wide variety of IT products, routine maintenance
support, and customized services. These customers value the relationship with
IBM and are willing to pay a premium for product and service quality.
• Customer Group B wants high-quality IT products (e.g., storage systems, servers),
but, most of all, these customers want a rock-bottom price and choose suppliers
on that basis.
• Customer Group C demands both quality products and extensive service support
but wants all of this for a “rock-bottom ” price. These customers will freely switch
from one supplier to the next. As competition intensifies for IBM and others in
the IT sector, more customers are moving into this group each month.
First, describe how IBM might develop a portfolio of relationship strategies to
meet the needs of such diverse customer groups. Second, some customers in each
group are more costly to serve than others. How should such cost differences be
reflected in the particular relationship strategies that IBM follows? Third, what strat-
egies can IBM follow to increase the switching costs of customers in Group B or
Group C or increase the profits it derives from these customer groups?

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