NURS FPX 4010 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Example Paper

NURS FPX 4010 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Example Paper

NURS FPX 4010 Capella 4010 Assessment 3: Interdisciplinary Plan ProposalNURS FPX 4010 Capella 4010 Assessment 3: Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

Assignment Brief: NURS FPX 4010 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

Course: NURS FPX 4010 Leading People, Processes, and Organizations in Interprofessional Practice

Assignment Title: Assessment 3: Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

Assignment Overview:

In this assignment, you’ll develop a comprehensive Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal applying knowledge in managing resources, interdisciplinary collaboration, change management theories, and effective leadership within a healthcare organization. This assignment is a continuation of your exploration of organizational issues within the healthcare setting, building on the insights gained from a professional interview conducted earlier in the course.

Assignment Objectives:

The primary goal of this assignment is to develop a strategic plan aimed at addressing a specific issue identified during your professional interview. By constructing an Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal, you will apply knowledge and skills related to managing human and financial resources, implementing interdisciplinary collaboration, utilizing change management theories, and employing effective leadership strategies within a healthcare organization.

The Student’s Role:

Your role as a student is to critically analyze the identified issue from your professional interview and develop a realistic and evidence-based interdisciplinary plan proposal. Engage with the literature to support your choices, ensuring that your proposed interventions align with best practices in healthcare management. Additionally, showcase effective communication skills by presenting your ideas in a clear, concise, and professional manner.

Remember, this assignment is not about immediate implementation but focuses on creating a viable and well-supported plan that could realistically address the identified issue within the given organizational context.

NURS FPX 4010 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Example Paper


This proposal focuses on addressing the pressing problem of medical errors within Valley Hospital. The proposed plan, drawing on a multidisciplinary approach, aims to diminish the frequency of medical errors within the hospital’s medical-surgical unit. This initiative is poised not only to elevate patient safety and satisfaction but also to contribute to enhanced economic stability and the overall reputation of the hospital.


The central objective of this plan is to instill a collaborative culture of care specifically in medication management within Valley Hospital. The primary goal is a substantial reduction in errors occurring during the prescribing, dispensing, and administration stages. Successful implementation of this objective is anticipated to result in a noteworthy 20-25% decline in medical errors within three to six months, ultimately fostering improved patient safety, health outcomes, and cost savings in healthcare.

Questions and Predictions

How will a collaborative culture of care for medication management improve medication safety and reduce errors?

Prediction: A collaborative culture is expected to yield a 20-25% decrease in medical errors within three to six months. This stems from healthcare providers working together to verify prescriptions, administer correct medication, and effectively monitor patient responses.

How will time constraints and communication barriers be overcome during interdisciplinary plan implementation?

Prediction: Utilizing technologies like electronic health records (EHRs) will mitigate time constraints and communication barriers. Initially, there might be a 5-10% increase in workload, but as processes become more efficient, this percentage is expected to decrease.

How will engaging patients in their medication management impact patient-related errors?

Prediction: Patient engagement is anticipated to result in a 10% reduction in patient-related medication errors within six months. Informed and engaged patients actively participating in medical error prevention will contribute to this reduction.

Methods for Determining Success

Success will be determined through dashboard metrics, including enhanced patient satisfaction, reduced mortality rates associated with medication errors, and a decrease in the overall number of medication errors. Patient surveys will also be conducted to evaluate their experience with medication management, providing indirect insights into the success of the proposal (Choudhury & Asan, 2020; Dürr et al., 2021).

Change Theories and Leadership Strategies

In the proposed plan, we’re looking at a change theory called the PDSA cycle, which stands for Plan, Do, Study, Act. This approach aims to get everyone on board within interdisciplinary teams at Valley Hospital. The project team manager will come up with ways to use these interdisciplinary strategies to cut down on medication errors. For example, they’ll organize meetings with smaller groups of team members from different departments to highlight the importance of avoiding medical mistakes. The focus is on showing how teamwork can help reduce these errors. They’ll also figure out ways to minimize medication errors, like making sure there’s clear and timely communication among team members and patients. They’re planning to use EHR technology to keep everyone on the same page with their tasks (Mondal et al., 2022).

After figuring out these strategies, the hospital will try them out on a small scale, maybe in one department first. They’ll then check how well things are going and make improvements as needed. This whole setup allows the healthcare team to collaborate effectively in strategic ways to bring down medical errors. Healthcare providers will work together to make sure patients get only the medication prescribed to them.

Now, when it comes to leadership, the focus is on collaborative leadership. Everyone in the interdisciplinary team at Valley Hospital is encouraged to work together on this project. They’re creating an environment that supports open communication and mutual respect. By fostering a culture of mutual respect, healthcare professionals can freely share their ideas on managing and reducing medication errors. They can also discuss ways to improve collaboration and overcome any hurdles in coordinating care (Bianchi et al., 2021).

One specific aspect of Valley Hospital’s plan involves “shared decision-making.” This part of the plan will be put into action through the leadership strategy. The team needs to collaborate to give patients the right medication tailored to their health needs, as prescribed by their healthcare providers. This collaborative approach helps break down communication barriers that might otherwise get in the way of implementing the plan effectively. Lastly, this strategy aims to achieve patient-provider engagement by giving patients the respect and value they deserve in working together with healthcare providers for safe medication management.

Team Collaboration Strategy

For the interdisciplinary plan to succeed, team members from different departments must carry out their roles collaboratively. The contribution of each member would be as follows:

  • Physicians: They play a vital role in ensuring patients get the right medication based on their health needs. This helps avoid errors related to prescribing medications (Irajpour et al., 2019).
  • Nurse Leaders: Their job is to supervise and educate nurses on protocols for secure medication management. Nurses in Valley Hospital have the responsibility of double-checking medications before following the “five rights of medication administration.” If there’s any confusion, they consult with physicians to clarify.
  • Pharmacists: They collaborate with physicians to ensure the proper dosage of medication is dispensed, preventing any errors in dispensing.
  • Healthcare Providers: Each one must use EHR (Electronic Health Records) to keep patient medical data up-to-date. This helps in enhancing collaboration among the healthcare team.
  • Hospital Administration: They play a significant role in managing medication errors by analyzing current patterns and predicting future outcomes based on the implemented strategies.
  • Patients: Patients are actively involved in collaboration, learning about safe medication management for medications they might need to take on their own. This collaborative approach includes meetings to implement a shared-decision strategy, ensuring informed healthcare decisions. This strategy helps in preventing errors arising from miscommunication and a lack of understanding of the patient’s health needs (Alanazi et al., 2019).

Moreover, Electronic Health Records (EHR) serve as a technology-based tactic for collaboration. Through shared decision-making, interdisciplinary teams aim to provide patient-centered care by involving patients in decisions related to their medications. This involvement is crucial to prevent errors that might occur due to miscommunication and a lack of understanding of patients’ health needs. EHR also facilitates seamless communication and coordination among interdisciplinary teams by providing real-time patient data on medications, promoting safe medication management.

Required Organizational Resources

To put the proposed multidisciplinary plan into action at Valley Hospital, several key resources are needed. From the human resource perspective, the following would be a breakdown of what’s required:

  • Physicians: At least two physicians are essential for successful implementation.
  • Pharmacists: The involvement of three pharmacists is crucial for their expertise in medication management.
  • Nurses: A team of five nurses will play a vital role in ensuring safe medication practices.
  • IT Specialists: Two specialists are needed to handle Electronic Health Records (EHR) maintenance and operation.
  • Administrative Staff: Three administrative staff members are required to manage the organizational aspects of the plan.

On the other hand, on the financial aspect, the following would be required:

  • Basic Salaries: Each staffing member, including physicians, pharmacists, nurses, IT specialists, and administrative staff, will receive an annual salary of $35,000.
  • Training Costs: Conducting training on safe medication practices and effective collaboration is estimated at $15,000.
  • Supplies for EHR Integration: To integrate Electronic Health Records (EHR), essential supplies, including software and bandwidth, will incur an initial cost of $90,000.
  • Follow-Up Maintenance: An additional $20,000 will be required every six months for ongoing maintenance.

The grand total for the financial budget needed to implement this plan at Valley Hospital is $650,000. Now, if the plan isn’t put into action or doesn’t succeed, the consequences could be significant. The organization might face a substantial financial burden due to an increase in medication errors. Litigation costs related to malpractice could add to the financial strain. Moreover, healthcare costs may rise due to complications from errors, and patient readmission rates could climb, further driving up the costs. Therefore, it’s crucial for the organization to continually strive for improvements, aiming to reduce medication errors and enhance patient safety.


In conclusion, the proposed interdisciplinary plan at Valley Hospital presents a strategic approach to combatting medication errors, a critical concern that impacts patient safety and overall healthcare outcomes. By instilling a collaborative culture of care, the plan aims to create an environment where healthcare professionals work together seamlessly to mitigate medication errors. Through the incorporation of change theories and leadership strategies, the goal is not only to reduce errors but also to foster a sustained commitment to patient safety.

The success of the plan heavily relies on effective team collaboration, with physicians, pharmacists, nurses, IT specialists, and administrative staff playing integral roles. The outlined responsibilities and collaborative approaches, rooted in shared decision-making and leveraging Electronic Health Records (EHR), are designed to enhance communication and coordination among interdisciplinary teams.

The allocation of organizational resources, including staffing needs, training costs, and investments in EHR integration, underscores the financial commitment required for the plan’s implementation. A well-structured budget of $650,000 has been outlined, emphasizing the importance of these financial resources in ensuring the plan’s success. Failure to implement the plan or its lack of success could pose severe financial repercussions for the hospital, including increased litigation costs, healthcare expenses, and patient readmission rates.

To maintain positive outcomes and reinforce a culture of patient safety, continuous evaluation and improvement are imperative. This involves ongoing training, monitoring, and adjustments to the plan based on real-time feedback and evolving healthcare practices. In essence, the interdisciplinary plan is not a one-time fix but a dynamic and evolving strategy aimed at creating a safer and more efficient healthcare environment within Valley Hospital.


Alanazi, B., Butler-Henderson, K., & Alanazi, M. R. (2019). The role of electronic health records in improving communication between health professionals in primary healthcare centres in Riyadh: Perception of health professionals. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 264, 499–503.

Bianchi, C., Nasi, G., & Rivenbark, W. C. (2021). Implementing collaborative governance: Models, experiences, and challenges. Public Management Review, 23(11), 1–9.

Choudhury, A., & Asan, O. (2020). Role of artificial intelligence in patient safety outcomes: Systematic literature review. JMIR Medical Informatics, 8(7), e18599.

Dürr, P., Schlichtig, K., Kelz, C., Deutsch, B., Maas, R., Eckart, M. J., Wilke, J., Wagner, H., Wolff, K., Preuß, C., Brückl, V., Meidenbauer, N., Staerk, C., Mayr, A., Fietkau, R., Goebell, P. J., Kunath, F., Beckmann, M. W., Mackensen, A., & Neurath, M. F. (2021). The randomized AMBORA trial: Impact of pharmacological/pharmaceutical care on medication safety and patient-reported outcomes during treatment with new oral anticancer agents. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 39(18), 1983–1994.

Irajpour, A., Farzi, S., Saghaei, M., & Ravaghi, H. (2019). Effect of interprofessional education of medication safety program on the medication error of physicians and nurses in the intensive care units. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 8(196).

Mondal, S., Banerjee, M., Mandal, S., Mallick, A., Das, N., Basu, B., & Ghosh, R. (2022). An initiative to reduce medication errors in neonatal care unit of a tertiary care hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal: A quality improvement report. BMJ Open Quality, 11(Suppl 1), e001468.

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