Mada’n Saleh in Saudi Arabia

Mada’n Saleh in Saudi Arabia

(2 pages), Two pages of text, (Introduction and history of Mada’n Saleh).

— (3 pages), Three or more different pictures of Mada’n Saleh, on separate pages with proper captions, explain every figure (picture) (see the example).

— A Bibliography page (see the example)

** You should have no more than 4 URL sources (and about 4 books or articles in print also) (Do not use Wikipedia as a source).

** Also, remember to cite all the Figures, (see the example). Artworks (pictures) are always in italics only.

** In the attachment: (Please read it before writing the essay)
1-    Example of essay. (Follow it).
2-    Instructions of caption for images.
3-     Artwork citation.

Please make sure to write simple words and make it easy to understand. Please make sure to not copy from the Internet or other student’s paper.

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