Module 3 assessment part 1: practice quiz

Module 3 assessment part 1: practice quiz

Module 3 Assessment Part 1: Practice QuizThis practice quiz will consist of 20 questions drawn from three banks of questions related to the key ideas of the module.Please take a screenshot of your quiz attempt and copy into a Word document to submit to the Module 3 Dropbox as noted in the Directions for Submitting Your Assessment section.Module 3 Assessment Part 2: Data Flow Diagram CreationOutcomes addressed in this activity:Module Outcomes:• Discover a variety of diagrams relating to systems analysis.• Describe logical process models.• Create Data Flow Diagrams.Assessment InstructionsAvery has opened a gym and rehabilitation center specifically designed to provide training and recovery for service members who may have been injured while on duty. New members are provided a free fitness assessment to help determine their current fitness levels and to ascertain the extent of any injury to help onboard them into the program.Avery has designed a basic system to help onboard these new gym members. When members are seen for the first time, they complete a simple gym membership form that asks for their name, address, phone number, and brief medical history, which are stored in the gym member file. They are also asked to schedule a Fitness Assessment.Therapists or trainers must check the assessment calendar file for an available time. Members may also call to change their assessments. Because these assessments are scheduled in advance, Avery usually sends a reminder postcard and text message to each member one week before the appointment.Assessment RequirementsUse Visio to Construct a Level 1 DFD based on the attached use cases. Each use case corresponds to a process in the Gym System. Use Gane and Sarson symbols. All the information can be analyzed from the Use Cases. Some of the Information is provided below. You will have to determine and label all the Data Flows in the DFD.Entity: Gym MemberProcesses:• Schedule (or change) a Fitness Assessment• Collect Membership Information• Send Reminder and text messageData Files:• Calendar File• Gym Member FileData Flows:• At least 16 are neededIT460: Module 3 Assessment Data Flow DiagramsUse Case Name: Gym Member makes or changes a fitness assessment ID: _1_ Importance Level:HighPrimary Actor: Gym MemberShort Description: This describes how a new fitness assessment is made or an existing fitness assessment is changed.
Trigger: Gym Member calls to schedule new fitness assessment or change an existing fitness assessment.Type: External/TemporalMajor Inputs:Description Source
Gym Member name Gym MemberDesired fitness assessment Gym MemberFitness assessment to change Gym MemberAvailable fitness assessments Calendar fileExisting Gym Members Gym Member fileMajor Outputs:Description Destination
Scheduled fitness assessment Gym MemberScheduled fitness assessment Calendar fileAvailable fitness assessments Gym MemberCheck Gym Member name Gym Member file
Major Steps Performed1. Get Gym Member’s name. Check Gym Member name with Gym Member file.
2. If new Gym Member, get address and phone number and enter in new Gym Member file entry.
3. If this is a fitness assessment change, find current fitness assessment in fitness assessment file, and cancel it.
4. Get desired fitness assessment time and match with available fitness assessments in Calendar File. When a suitable time is found, enter scheduled fitness assessment in the Calendar file and confirm with Gym Member. Information for StepsGym Member nameGym Member File

Phone numberNew Gym Member information
Fitness assessment to changeExisting Fitness assessments
Desired fitness assessmentAvailable fitness assessmentsScheduled fitness assessmentsUse Case Name: Collect new Gym Member information ID: _2_ Importance Level: HighPrimary Actor: New Gym MemberShort Description: This describes how new Gym Member information is collected when a new Gym Member arrives for fitness assessment.Trigger: New Gym Member arrives for fitness assessment.Type: External/TemporalMajor Inputs:Description SourceNew Gym Member information Gym Member(Includes name, address,Phone numberInjury History Gym Member Major Outputs:Description DestinationGym Member Information Gym Member file
Major Steps Performed1. When the Gym Member arrives, determine if he/she has been seen before in this gym. If they have not, have them fill out a Gym Member information form.2. Use the information on the Gym Member information form to update and complete the Gym Member’s entry in the Gym Member file. Information for Steps
Gym Member status
Gym Member nameAddressPhone numberInjury history
Use Case Name: Send fitness assessment reminder card and text message ID: _3_ Importance Level:MediumPrimary Actor: SystemShort Description: This describes how reminder cards and text message sent to Gym Members one week prior to fitness assessment.
Trigger: Time to send reminders and text message one week before scheduled fitness assessments.Type: External/TemporalMajor Inputs:Description SourceCurrent date CalendarScheduled fitness assessments Calendar fileGym Member Contact Info Gym Member fileMajor Outputs:Description DestinationFitness assessment notification card Gym MemberText message Gym Member
Major Steps Performed1. Each day find the fitness assessments in the Calendar file for the day week.
2. Prepare fitness assessment notification card and text message to all Gym Members having fitness assessments.Information for Steps
Current dateScheduled fitness assessments
NameAddressFitness assessmentFitness assessment notification cardFor more information on APA style formatting, go to Academic Writer, formerly APA Style Central, under the Academic Tools area of this course.Also review the university policy on plagiarism. If you have any questions, please contact your professor.Directions for Submitting Your Assessment• Name your Word document with the following convention: IT460_Module3Part1-LastName-FirstName (using your own name).• Name your Visio document with the following convention: IT460_Module3Part2-LastName-FirstName (using your own name).• Make sure you read all instructions carefully and review the rubric before submitting to the Dropbox.Minimum Submission Requirements• Proper notification of any resubmission, repurposing, or reworking of prior work per the Purdue Global Student Coursework Resubmission, Repurposing, and Reworking Policy Resource.• This assessment should be a Microsoft Word (minimum 350 words) document, in addition to the title and reference pages.• Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your submission should be highly organized, logical, and focused.• Your submission should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.• Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.• Your submission must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.• A separate page at the end of your submission should contain a list of references in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.• Be sure to include references for all sources and to cite them using in-text citations where appropriate. Your sources and content should follow current APA citation style. Review the writing resources for APA formatting and citation found in Academic Tools. Additional writing resources can be found within the Academic Success Center.• Your submission should:o include a title page;o be double-spaced;o be typed in Times New Roman, 12 -point font; ando be free of spelling or punctuation errors.If the work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned for revision. If the work submitted does no

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