Paleolithic art /arts of Ancient Egypt, the Aegean and Greek cultures.

Paleolithic art /arts of Ancient Egypt, the Aegean and Greek cultures:
development of depicting the human form from Paleolithic art through the arts of Ancient near-East, Ancient Egypt, the Aegean and Greek cultures.(Paleolithic art).
1. Describe the development of depicting the human form from Paleolithic art through the arts of Ancient near-East, Ancient Egypt, the Aegean and Greek cultures. Think about how humans are represented and what functions representation of humans have served. Is there in fact a clear �development�? (Paleolithic art)
2. Use examples from the art we have studied to defend the statement, �representation is a matter of function.� In Western culture we often get caught up in the idea of �primitive� versus �realistic� imagery when in effect each culture creates signs and symbols and a method for delivering them. In other words, the art worked for the culture that produced it and you can explore different pictorial methods and devices and how they were effective for their respective cultures.(Paleolithic art)
3. In what ways has architecture informed us of the cultures we have studied? What do we learn about a culture form their architecture? How is it unique from other art forms? How does architecture reflect and promote ideas?(Paleolithic art).

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