Research Paper Help|sample scholarship essay

I was born on May 22, 1990 as Ricky Joseph to Martha and Richard Rivera of Nambe, New
Mexico. As a child I watched my parents work hard to provide for me and my 6 brothers and
sisters. My parents always told me that if I work hard and follow my dreams anything is
possible. My dream is to further my education. When I am not studying, I am an active
participant in many church activities such as volunteering to for church festival committees
and teaching English. My Hispanic roots helped mold me into the person I am today. They
taught me the value of hard work and skills that I needed to become an academic achiever.
Through my service to my church I learned how to become a dedicated and responsible
leader. I was raised to embody traits of scholarship, service, leadership, and good moral
characters in my daily life.
I take great pride in my academic achievements and winning the Governor’s Star Award 3
years in a row. The state government recognized my achievements as the epitome of a perfect
student. This award was a contributing factor in my decision to continue my academic career
by attending New Mexico Tech. I intend to complete my Master’s Degree in Electrical
Engineering. I began laying the groundwork by working at the Los Alamos National
Laboratory in an Undergraduate job that I really enjoyed.
Unfortunately my parents can only go so far in supporting my studies. Their limited finances
pose a problem and we can not fill the gap. I have saved some money for college but with the
current rising cost of education it is just not enough. I worked for the leadership program
Connecting to Courage and served as a buss boy at the Golden Casino buffet. Our combined
resources are still not enough to pay for my education. I pray the Los Alamos Employee
Scholarship committee will seriously consider my application and my dreams of obtaining a
good education. A scholarship grant will greatly help me achieve a better future for myself
and family.
Thank you sincerely for your consideration,
Ricky Joseph

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