NURS 6003 FG004 Scholarship and Nursing Practice Paper Example

NURS 6003 FG004 Scholarship and Nursing Practice Paper Example

NURS 6003TL FG004 Scholarship and Nursing Practice AssignmentNURS 6003 FG004 Scholarship and Nursing Practice Assignment

NURS 6003 FG004 Scholarship and Nursing Practice Paper Assignment Brief

Course: NURS 6003 – Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing

Assignment Title: NURS 6003 FG004 Scholarship and Nursing Practice Assignment

Assignment Instructions Overview

In this assignment, you will engage with scholarly research by selecting and analyzing a peer-reviewed article that pertains to your specific area of nursing practice. This exercise is designed to enhance your ability to locate, evaluate, and utilize academic resources effectively, contributing to evidence-based practice. You will use the Walden Library to search for relevant literature and reflect on the search process, including any challenges faced and the utility of the database used.

Understanding Assignment Objectives

The primary objectives of this assignment are to:

  • Develop skills in identifying and accessing peer-reviewed research.
  • Enhance your ability to critically analyze scholarly articles.
  • Reflect on the process of literature search and its applicability to nursing practice.
  • Share insights and strategies with your peers, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

The Student’s Role

Your role in this assignment includes:

  • Selecting a Peer-Reviewed Article: Choose an article relevant to your practice area from the Walden Library.
  • Citation and Database Identification: Cite the article using proper APA format and identify the database used for the search.
  • Reflecting on Search Experience: Describe any difficulties encountered during the search process and evaluate the database’s usefulness.
  • Engaging with Peers: Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts, offering suggestions or alternative resources based on your experiences.

Competencies Measured

This assignment measures several key competencies:

  • Research Literacy: Ability to locate and identify peer-reviewed articles and evaluate their relevance to nursing practice.
  • Critical Thinking: Analyzing the content and implications of scholarly research.
  • Communication Skills: Effectively discussing and sharing research findings and search strategies.
  • Professional Development: Applying research findings to enhance nursing practice and patient care.

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NURS 6003 FG004 Scholarship and Nursing Practice Paper Example

Discussion – Week 4: Using the Walden Library

Initial Post

The article I selected that pertains to my practice area, neonatal care, is titled “Effect of Community-Initiated Kangaroo Mother Care on Survival of Infants with Low Birthweight: A Randomised Controlled Trial.” The citation for the article is as follows:

Mazumder, S., Taneja, S., Dube, B., Bhatia, K., Ghosh, R., Shekhar, M., Sinha, B., Bahl, R., Martines, J., Bhan, M. K., Sommerfelt, H., & Bhandari, N. (2019). Effect of community-initiated Kangaroo Mother Care on survival of infants with low birthweight: A randomised controlled trial. The Lancet, 394(10210), 1724-1736.

I used the PubMed database to search for this article. Initially, I encountered some difficulties in narrowing down the search results to find a relevant article specific to Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC). The challenge was primarily due to the broad range of results that the initial search yielded. To overcome this, I refined my search using specific keywords such as “Kangaroo Mother Care,” “neonatal outcomes,” and “low birthweight,” along with filters for peer-reviewed articles and randomized controlled trials.

The PubMed database is highly useful for my colleagues as it provides access to a vast collection of biomedical literature, including many full-text articles. PubMed’s robust search features, including MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms, allow for precise and comprehensive searches. I would definitely recommend this database to my colleagues because of its extensive repository of high-quality, peer-reviewed articles, which are essential for evidence-based practice. The database is also freely accessible, which is an added benefit for research and professional development.


Mazumder, S., Taneja, S., Dube, B., Bhatia, K., Ghosh, R., Shekhar, M., Sinha, B., Bahl, R., Martines, J., Bhan, M. K., Sommerfelt, H., & Bhandari, N. (2019). Effect of community-initiated Kangaroo Mother Care on survival of infants with low birthweight: A randomised controlled trial. The Lancet, 394(10210), 1724-1736.

Walden University Library. (n.d.). Databases A-Z: Nursing. Retrieved June 5, 2024, from

Response to Colleague 1

Colleague’s Post Summary:

Your selected article, “Men, Depression, and Coping: Are We on the Right Path?” was found using the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database. You reported no difficulties in your search and found the database user-friendly and reliable.


I appreciate your detailed explanation of using the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database. It’s good to hear that you found it user-friendly and well-organized. One strategy that has worked for me in similar databases is using Boolean operators like AND, OR, and NOT to narrow down search results even further. Additionally, using specific subject headings can yield more targeted results, especially for a nuanced topic like coping mechanisms in men with depression.

Considering your positive experience, I agree that CINAHL Plus is a valuable resource for nursing professionals. Its extensive collection of peer-reviewed articles and user-friendly interface make it an excellent tool for academic and clinical research. I also find the option to limit searches to evidence-based practice particularly useful for ensuring the credibility of the information.


Whittle, E. L., Fogarty, A. S., Tugendrajch, S., Player, M. J., Christensen, H., Wilhelm, K., & Proudfoot, J. (2015). Men, depression, and coping: Are we on the right path? Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 16(4), 426-438. doi:10.1037/a0039024

Response to Colleague 2

Colleague’s Post Summary:

Your article on depressive symptoms in patients with left ventricular assist devices was accessed using the CINAHL database. You found it easy to use and appreciated the filtering options for full-text articles.


Your approach to using CINAHL for locating articles on depressive symptoms in LVAD patients is commendable. Filtering for full-text articles is indeed a great way to ensure access to comprehensive data. I would suggest another useful feature of CINAHL—using the citation tracking tools. These can help you find more articles that have cited your chosen study, providing a broader view of the topic and potential new insights.

The CINAHL database’s interface and extensive nursing-focused resources make it an excellent recommendation for our peers. Its ability to filter results by publication type, peer-reviewed status, and more, ensures that we can find the most relevant and high-quality research for our practice areas.


Suarez, L., Dunlay, S. M., Schettle, S. D., Stulak, J. M., & Staab, J. P. (2020). Associations of depressive symptoms of outcomes in patients implanted with left ventricular assist devices. General Hospital Psychiatry, 64, 93-98.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS 6003 FG004 Scholarship and Nursing Practice Paper Assignment

  • FG004 Scholarship and Nursing Practice
    • Analyze peer-reviewed research related to issues in nursing practice.


Scholarship and Nursing Practice

Using the Walden Library

  • 1-Post the following: Using proper APA formatting, cite the peer-reviewed article you selected that pertains to your practice area and is of particular interest to you and identify the database that you used to search for the article. Explain any difficulties you experienced while searching for this article. Would this database be useful to your colleagues? Explain why or why not. Would you recommend this database? Explain why or why not

 Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by offering suggestions/strategies for working with this database from your own experience, or offering ideas for using alternative resources

RE: Discussion – Week 4

Where can you find evidence to inform your thoughts and scholarly writing? Throughout your degree program, you will use research literature to explore ideas, guide your thinking, and gain new insights. As you search the research literature, it is important to use resources that are peer-reviewed and from scholarly journals. You may already have some favorite online resources and databases that you use or have found useful in the past. For this Discussion, you explore databases available through the Walden Library.

To Prepare:

  • Review the information presented in the Learning Resources for using the Walden Library, searching the databases, and evaluating online resources.
  • Begin searching for a peer-reviewed article that pertains to your practice area and interests you.

By Day 3 of Week 4

Post the following:

Using proper APA formatting, cite the peer-reviewed article you selected that pertains to your practice area and is of particular interest to you and identify the database that you used to search for the article. Explain any difficulties you experienced while searching for this article. Would this database be useful to your colleagues? Explain why or why not. Would you recommend this database? Explain why or why not.

By Day 6 of Week 4

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by offering suggestions/strategies for working with this database from your own experience, or offering ideas for using alternative resources.


Walden University Library. (n.d.). Databases A-Z: Nursing. Retrieved October 4, 2019 from

Walden University Library. (n.d.). Instructional media: Fundamentals of library research. Retrieved October 4, 2019 from… research fundamentals

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2018, from

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Common assignments: Synthesizing your sources.… signments/literaturereview/synthesizing

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Scholarly writing: Overview. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Webinars: Technical information. Retrieved Nove mber 14, 2018, from… chnical

Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). Introduction to Scholarly Writing: Purpose, Audience, and Evidence [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author

Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). Introduction to Scholarly Writing: Tips for Success [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

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