SOK1 DISC2 Poverty in Area Urban Area

SOK1 DISC2 Poverty in Area Urban Area

SOK1 DISC2 Poverty in Area Urban Area

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APA 2 Page Plus Reference

By DUE FRIDAY  4/1/16 by 8:30pm New York Time Using the Uploaded Resoruces in the in-text citations and References.

For this Discussion, locate information regarding poverty statistics in New Haven, Connecticut. Determine efforts that are currently in place to address poverty in this area.


Post by Thursday 4/1/ 16  a description of efforts currently in place to address poverty in the area where you live. Suggest two strategies for enhancing the current antipoverty efforts in your community and explain the rationale behind your suggestions.


Submit a By Friday 8:30pm New york Time a description 2 Pagea description of the community you selected (New Haven, Connecticut). Then, explain the strengths and challenges associated with that community based on its characteristics. Finally, explain how you, as a social worker, might help the community view its perceived challenges as a strength.


Be Sure to Use Proper APA formating, Reference Page and in-Text Citations

References/Paper Resources

  • Center for Economic and Social Justice. (n.d.). Defining economic justice and social justice. Retrieved June 11, 2013, from
  • Mantle, G., & Backwith, D. (2010). Poverty and social work. British Journal of Social Work, 40(8), 2380–2397.


  • Krumer-Nevo, M., Monnickendam, M., & Weiss-Gal, I. (2009). Poverty-aware social work practice: A conceptual framework for social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 45(2), 225–243.

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