The focus of the Holistic Victim Restitution Plan is to critically analyze victimology through the application

The focus of the Holistic Victim Restitution Plan is to critically analyze victimology through the application of information from sociology, law, psychology, ethics, and related fields to the study of victimology and to develop a holistic plan for victim restitution.
Consider the following questions when analyzing the 10 required scholarly sources:

Who conducted the research or project?
Who or what was the topic or focus of the research?
What was done (if it was a data driven article)?
How was it done (if it was a data driven article)?
What were the findings or conclusions of the author?
What were the contributions (findings that may have been made to new information on the topic area or applications)?

In creating your Holistic Victim Restitution Plan, you are required to

Discuss the history of victimology, victimology theories, and varying approaches used to address the needs of crime victims.
Explain who the stakeholders are in crime victimization.
Describe the interrelationship of victimology to social justice and the operations of the criminal justice system, including, but not limited to: crime scene investigation techniques and security; the collection, preservation and presentation of evidence; and issues related to correctional institutions, incarceration, and release of offenders.
Identify the socioeconomic (cultural) diversity and its relation to contemporary criminal and social justice and victimology.
Detail the breakdown of possible strategies and interventions designed to address criminal victimization.
Describe how techniques of addressing victimization impact the needs of crime victims.
Predict how crime prevention and intervention strategies will be handled over at least the next two decades.
Create a holistic plan for addressing victim restitution.

The Holistic Victim Restitution Plan

Must be nine double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

Must include a formal abstract.
Must include section sub-headings.
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must include a discussion of the eight elements listed in the instructions above.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
Must use at least 10 scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.

Daigle, L. E. (2017). Victimology: A text/reader (2nd ed.). Retrieved from

Section XIV: Contemporary Issues in Victimology: Victims of Hate Crimes, Human Trafficking, and Terrorism (pp. 570-589)

Davis, R. C., & Ullman, S. E. (2013). The key contributions of family, friends, and neighbors. In R. C. Davis, A. J. Lurigio, & S. Herman (Eds.), Victims of crime (pp. 233-250). Retrieved from

This is Chapter 10 in this primary course text.

Lurigio, A. J., Canada, K. E., & Epperson, M. W. (2013). Crime victimization and mental illness. In R. C. Davis, A. J. Lurigio, & S. Herman (Eds.), Victims of crime (pp. 211-230). Retrieved from

This is Chapter 9 in this primary course text.

Walts, K. K. (2013). Understanding child trafficking in the United States: A review of current policies, research, and issues facing survivors. In R. C. Davis, A. J. Lurigio, & S. Herman (Eds.), Victims of crime (pp. 469-490). Retrieved from

This is Chapter 20 in this primary course text.

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