Understanding of Competency Domain

Understanding of Competency Domain

his essay contains….

1.Part A – Understanding of competency domain (ANMC, 2006)


Part A1: Explain your understanding of the nursing competency domain ‘Critical Thinking and Analysis’

(100 words).


1 paragraph







Part A2: Explain your understanding of the role of reflection in developing competence in nursing practice

(100 words).


1 paragraph


2. Part B – Reflection on learning



Part B1: Using classroom activities as the basis….

Explain how your knowledge, feelings, attitudes and/or beliefs around cultural understanding and competence have developed. Refer to the literature to support your reflective statement (200 words). (Write this statement using the first person “I”)


1 paragraph



Part B2: Using ANY of the work we have done on Aboriginal people in Australia, e.g. Discussions about the Ngankari Healers (FREGON video), The Stolen Generations after seeing and discussing the video Rabbit Proof Fence, …AND?OR the lectures and videos and classroom discussions more generally….


Explain how your beliefs have been challenged and/or your knowledge developed.

(600 words).


1 big paragraph or more.


NB: BE SURE you say something about:


Topic 1 Understanding the Concept of Health from a Global Perspective

(you may use the first person ‘I’)


1paragraph 150 word

Topic 2 Determinants of Health

1paragraph 150 word


Topic 3 Health Care Systems and Health Outcomes

1paragraph 150 word


Topic 4 Topic 4 – Primary Health Care and Health Promotion

1paragraph 150 word





Ensure that you explain some aspect of EACH of

the four (4) topics above. Some topics, however, you may want to explain at greater length.


Reference list – see criteria in the course outline

References (Six – at least)

The assignment should include:

• Headings and sub-headings to clearly identify the part of the assignment you are answering

• Logical planning and sequencing.

• Include at least two quality references in part A (one for part 1 and one for part 2), and at least six quality references for part B (two for part 1 and four for part 2). Please see ‘note’ below for information on quality source

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