What are the benefits of using humour on patient outcomes?

What are the benefits of using humour on patient outcomes?

What are the benefits of using humour on patient outcomes?
A relevant article:
•    From critical care to comfort care: the sustaining value of humour
Dean R & Major E 2008, ‘ From critical care to comfort care : the sustaining value of humour’, Journal of Clinical Nursing vol. 17 no. 8, pp. 1088-95.
•    Write an introduction about the question .In the introduction and identify three (3) concepts/issues which will used as the framework for my review
•    Using the identified concepts as the headings discuss the findings from a minimum of three (3) relevant research studies.
•    Conclusion-identify the strengths and weakness, any gaps and the purpose of conducting further research

?    Discuss the findings from the relevant research articles as they relate to each of your three chosen concepts/themes. Compare and contrast the findings of the research studies relevant to your concept.

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