MBA7018 Research Methods | Reliable Papers

MBA7018 Research Methods | Reliable Papers

MBA7018 Research Methods | Reliable Papers

MBA7018 Research Methods Assessment 1 Assignment Type: Research proposal (20%) Assignment Title: Research Proposal (1 of 2) Assignment Length: 1,000 words excluding references Submission Deadline: 09/11/20 Learning Outcome: LO1: 1 Produce feasible objectives (congruent with Masters level study) and an understanding of the significance of the research context. Assignment Brief: You are expected to produce the first part of your research proposal. In no more than 1,000 words you are expected to produce a brief outline of the following: 1. An introduction to the research context. 2. The theoretical background of your research. 3. Research Question(s). 4. Your research objectives. 5. A bibliography in the Harvard referencing style, further details are available from 6. You also need to include a fully completed Research Ethics (RE1) form available from

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This assessment will form the basis of the first chapter of your Masters dissertation. Consequently, the standard of work must consistently represent Masters level. DEFINITIONWork of Exceptional Quality Above 85%Work of Excellent Quality above 70%Work of Very Good Quality 60-69%Work of Good Quality 50-59%Work of un-satisfactory Quality 40-49%Fail Below 40%Weighting (Sources of assessment criteria)In all cases appropriate within the limits appropriate to M level.Introduction to research Context 25%Exceptionally clear and conciseVery clear and conciseClear and conciseClearResearch context but would benefit from further clarificationResearch context is under developed, unclear or absentClear statement of research question 20%Exceptionally clear and conciseVery clear and conciseClear and conciseclearResearch question requires further clarification.Research question is unclear, unfeasible or absentCommunication and Presentation 20%Exceptionally clear communication of near/publishable standard.Clarity of expression excellent, consistently accurate use of grammar and spelling with fluent professional/academic writing /speaking style.Thoughts and ideas clearly expressed. Grammar and spelling accurate and language fluent.Language mainly fluent. Grammar and spelling mainly accurate. Communication of thoughts and ideas beginning to be affectedLanguage not always fluent, grammar and spelling poor/moderate.Often poor or ambiguous, leading to meaning being barely apparent. Language, grammar and spelling poor.Research Objectives 30%Exceptionally clear, explicit, feasibleVery clear, explicit, feasibleClear, explicit, feasibleExplicit and feasibleResearch objectives that require further clarification.Research philosophy is not understood/not related to objectives. Other relevant considerations are omitted or superficial.REF1 5%Exceptionally clear and completeVery clear and complete.Submitted, signed, complete. Very good level of detail includedSubmitted, signed, complete. Sufficient detail includedSubmitted and signed but lacking essential detailsNot submitted Or unsigned Assessment Criteria: The pass mark is 50% Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements: Level HE7 – It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include four refereed academic journals and five academic books. Assessment Submission Guidelines: Upload assessment 1 document to the allocated Turnitin link.Entitle your file: MBA7016 followed by your student number.Include your student ID number and not your name on your coursework draft.Submit your completed Research Ethics RE1 form at the end of assessment 1 document. Non submission of the Research Ethics RE1 form will result in receiving 0 out of the allocated mark of 5%.Remember to save your coursework electronic copy.

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